
Central component of the project around the Gunzert House is the town partnership with the city of Würzburg, established in 1966, including political, historical and cultural work. The partners are involved in numerous projects within a wide range of fields, e.g. healthcare, sustainable business development, and cultural heritage. Since 2009, the city of Würzburg participated in the processing of the colonial history and the use of the buildings related to it, including the development of historical and cultural tourism. Research was conducted by the Department of Tourism of St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) after which, through the partnership between the cities of Mwanza and Würzburg, the Regional Commissioner of Mwanza proposed in the end of 2013 a close cooperation in the establishment of historical sites. One of these concrete sites is the former German residence in Mwanza, the Gunzert House.

In 2016 the project was integrated into the ASA Programme, a developmental program to study and stay abroad, implemented and financed by Engagement Global, in order to enhance the value of historical tourism and to engage university students in the development of tourism in Mwanza. It further promotes joint actives between the communities in Germany and Tanzania, to remind the common past, but also to move forwards to a present-day partnership. Thus, for example, participants helped in raising historical awareness of the house, coming to terms with the colonial past in Mwanza. Others drafted in cooperation with the city of Mwanza, students from SAUT and the Mwanza artists a community concept for a current exhibition of the house. Within the project it was also paved the way to the application for funding for restoring the house through the German embassy in Tanzania. In the future, the cooperation between the students from the faculty of tourism at the St. Augustine University and the ASA programs bears the opportunity of becoming an ASA global program.